The sour taste has its foundations in the elements of earth and fire. It stimulates appetite and digestion and facilitates elimination of wastes from the body. In small or moderate amounts, sour is beneficial to Pitta and Kapha types, but this taste is especially helpful to Vatas, whose appetites are often irregular and for whom constipation is frequently a problem. Elements: Earth, Fire Effect on Dosha: • Decreases Vata • Increases Pitta, Kapha Benefits: • Increases appetite • Promotes digestion • Facilitates passing of gas • Adds zest and flavor to other foods Common Examples: • Citrus fruits, grapes, plums, and other sour fruits, yogurt, cheese, tomatoes, salad dressings, pickles, vinegar If taken in balanced amounts: • Stimulates feelings of exhilaration and a desire for adventure If taken in excess: • May promote feelings of envy or resentment